Monday, January 18, 2010

Still holding on,

This was the day when Azlin and me had such tough decision to decide between Prosperity Burger or Mcspicy Meal, Curly fries or the normal fries & Coke or Greentea. Hell yeah, we are such suckers for food, especially Mcdonald.

This was the day when I actually met and talked to Naz (Eiza's boyfriend of 2years plus plus) for the first time!

This was the day when Eiza actually insisted Wani & me to get a boyfriend because she insisted on having a Candy Party with our other halves. Ahh, tempting enough for me to find a new boyfriend already. HEHE!

This was the day when Wani offered me her sweater (I was from Sentosa and all i wore was a tanktop) because she said it might get cold in Vivo. And fyi, she was sick on that day and I think she was secretly shivering herself. Aww, thanks Baby for the sweater!

This was the day when I found out that each one of us has individual's worries that majorly includes our future.

This was the day when I actually counted the number of couples I saw at the sky deck at one time. Total amount: 9 couples (which includes the happy happy ones, the action action to be happy ones and the maybe on the verge of breaking up ones)

This was the day when we sat in circles and just talked. Eiza told me that sometimes its good to let it all out, and I did just that. I felt better of course.

This was the day when I took the train home alone, and realised that maybe, just maybe I didn't have to force myself to move on.

This was also the day when I tried to sum everything that has been happening to my life in 23 words : Life still goes on, be it in good or bad shape. And sometimes, all you need is your friends to keep you going :)