Monday, January 18, 2010

I read this to keep me going everyday,

Moving on is a process. With moving on comes great acceptance. Along with this, moving on also comes with the part where we have to let go of everything completely. Well, “completely” is not the right word for that, but just as long as we have let go of this one painful piece of our lives, we should be okay. We’re moving on. Why did I say that “completely” is not the right word? We may have moved on but there will always be one part of us that will always remember the past, only that when we have moved on, those painful things will only be thought of as memories, not painful experiences. It is another way to heal. When we say moving on, the word healing comes into our minds. Moving on is a time to heal all wounds. It takes time. It may leave marks afterwards, but you’ll feel better in time. All wounds take time to heal. And it’s the same thing when we move on. Feeling better comes after moving on, feeling all good and fine.
